äh, UPDATES: split the pages, added navigation menu at the bottom
added latest release of QuickTime to ASCII converter
the wikiweb on moving ascii art

The ASCII Art Ensemble started in 1998 and was founded by Walter van der Cruijsen, Vuk Cosic and Luka Frelih.

What happened to the ASCII Art Ensemble?

The original page has been moved -- too many new things have happened during the last 2 years. Hopefully this page will be updated more frequently. Promised!

Free software

The cool ASCII Art Ensemble supports the development of new free tools and software to create your own ASCII Moving Media Converter (AMMC). Since the start several new projects have been started, more artists and programmers created new software and there were exhibitions, events and several public appearences.

ASCII Art Ensemble Resources, Projects, Events, Documents, Recommendations

Version 57 by at June 29, 2013